Thomas Flöss

Postdoctoral researcher in theoretical and computational cosmology at the University of Vienna.


I’m a postdoc at the University of Vienna in the group of Oliver Hahn. I work primarily on the use of late time cosmological probes, such as galaxy surveys and intensity mapping (e.g. 21-cm) to study the primordial universe, in particular cosmic inflation and primordial non-Gaussianity. In my research I make use analytical, numerical and state-of-the-art machine learning methods. Besides this, I like to think about formal aspects of cosmology such as consistency conditions and the cosmological bootstrap. Recently, I have also been studying the amplitude double copy and its connection with massive gravity. I received my PhD from the University of Groningen, under the supervision of Daan Meerburg, Diederik Roest and Léon Koopmans.

I have (co-)written several codes for cosmological data analysis. In particular, the jax-based code BFast is able to rapidly evaluate the bispectrum of cosmological simulation boxes, using GPU acceleration. Together with Oliver Philcox, I co-wrote the PolyBin3D package, which allows for fast evaluation of polyspectra from surveys, including window deconvolution, also on GPU.

You can most easily access my work through my INSPIRE profile.